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A story worth telling and a Telly Awards

May 25, 2022 | 2 min read

Many years ago Phosworks decided that we wanted to not just be a digital agency, but a digital agency that mattered, that would work towards a better world. In this turbulent times when one can feel overwhelmed by news of darkness, worries, pandemics and wars, it is important to not forget all the great and good things out there.

The Emily Whitehead story

Together with Cytiva, we produced in 2021 an award-winning short documentary about Emily Whitehead and her father Tom. Emily was diagnosed with leukemia as a young child and her chances of survival was down to almost nothing. But her family and doctors did not give up though and Emily was the first pediatric patient in the world to receive CAR T-cell therapy. The process works by removing a patient’s T-cells, a type of white blood cell, and reprogramming them to recognize specific cancer-identifying antigens on cancer cells. Once activated, these T-cells become CAR T-cells capable of detecting these antigens and destroying the cancer cells.

Keep fighting for others

10 years later, Emily, now 17, is cancer free and together with her parents she keeps fighting for other kids to be cancer free via the Emily Whitehead Foundation.

The Telly Awards

As a complete coincidence Emily’s 10 years celebration comes at the same time as the documentary about her fight won a Telly Winner at the 43rd Annual Telly Awards! It has been an absolute honor for us to tell your story Emily and thank you, Tom. We wish you a great future ahead.